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RATA CHIARA FINDOMESTIC (DISPONIBILE ONLINE) Messaggio pubblicitario con finalità promozionale. Offerta Rata Chiara valida dal 01/01/2025 al 31/12/2025 come da esempio rappresentativo: Prezzo del bene € 1000,00 TAN fisso 8,50%, TAEG 8,83%, in 20 rate da € 53,80 costi accessori dell’offerta azzerati. Importo totale del credito € 1000. Importo totale dovuto dal Consumatore € 1076,00. TAN fisso 8,50% e TAEG 8,83% validi fino al 31/12/2025, per i trimestri successivi fare riferimento alle Informazioni Europee di Base sul Credito ai Consumatori nel percorso online. Al fine di gestire le tue spese in modo responsabile e di conoscere eventuali altre offerte disponibili, Findomestic ti ricorda, prima di sottoscrivere il contratto, di prendere visione di tutte le condizioni economiche e contrattuali, facendo riferimento alle Informazioni Europee di Base sul Credito ai Consumatori (IEBCC) nel percorso online. Salvo approvazione di Findomestic Banca S.p.A. per cui “Daminelli Pietro Srl” opera quale intermediario del credito, non in esclusiva.
Info: 13/4088
BACK TO THE FUTURE: Music Man Bass Amps are made by adding to the original look and classic tone concepts the current advanced technology and the innovations from Marco De Virgiliis that put Markbass at the top of the bass amplification worldwide! The BH 500 amp features a solid state preamp and a 500-watt analog power amp with an impeccable bass frequency reproduction and incredibly warm tone. Starting from the Treble and Bass EQ basic controls the rich 5 band EQ section allows to taylor the sound of your bass for any kind of music style. SUGGESTED SELLING POINT > “A well known face” The fine bass amps manufactured by Music Man in the mid-to late-1970s have earned the trust and respect of musicians worldwide for their classic tone and impeccable sonic integrity. When we can find “a well known face” behind a brand, we can also find an unprecedented loyalty and trust from their customers: they know exactly what to expect when they purchase this product. > Solid state preamp, complete EQ section, 500 W analog power The BH 500's solid-state preamp has a warm and natural sound, and faithfully reproduces the true tone of your instrument, thanks to the complete and effective 5 band EQ section you can have a wide range of tones, allowing instant access to two different EQ settings as it’s footswitchable—a very useful feature for live applications. The 500-watt analog power amp supplies great attack and definition with impeccable bass frequency reproduction. > Back to the future The BH 500 respects the seventhy design adding the benefit of new modern standard, with a long term reliability thanks to our advanced production procedures, state-of the-art testing, quality control facilities and top-quality components. > Great tone in a lightweight package In addition to the great tone the BH 500 has an incredible lightweight package: only 13.66 lbs /6.2 Kg
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