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32,23 € /mese
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Importo totale del credito: 599,00 €
Importo totale dovuto: 644,60 €
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Info:  13/10591

The Tone Master FR-12 is a full range, flat response powered speaker designed for use with today's digital guitar amp modelers and profilers. Tone Master FR-12 delivers clear and accurate sound reproduction and perfectly replicates every detail of the amp and effect models. They're the ultimate companion to Tone Master Pro and the ideal solution for players who use modelers at home or on stage.

The Tone Master FR-12 features an integrated 1,000-watt power amp that delivers the volume and headroom needed for even the most demanding live performance. The 3-band active EQ and high frequency cut control allow players to fine tune their stage tone without altering the line output signal. Plus, the design of the FR series was inspired by classic Fender amplifiers for an authentic backline look and feel.


  • Finale di Potenza da 1.000 Watt in Classe D
  • Altoparlante da 12” Special Design
  • Driver delle Frequenze Acute da 1" ad Ampia Dispersione
  • EQ Attivo a 3 Bande e Controllo High Frequency Cut
  • Gambe Inclinabili Integrate
  • Mobile Leggero in Multistrato
  • Realistico Industrial Design degli Amplificatori Fender

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